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MicroCalc is a tiny spread sheet program a la VisiCalc. It is
provided with the TURBO-Pascal system as an example program.
Since MicroCalc is only a demonstation program it has its limita-
tions (which you may have fun eliminating):
* You can not copy formulas from one cell to others.
* You can not insert and delete lines or columns.
In spite of its limitations MicroCalc does provide some interest-
ing features among which are:
* 11 digits floating point reals (Thanks to TURBO Pascal!)
* Full set of mathematical functions (SIN,COS,LN,EXP etc.)
* Built in line editor for text and formula editing.
* Text can be entered across cells.
* Once entered a formula is protected from accidental erasure.
In addition to this MicroCalc offers all the usual features of a
spread sheet program:
* Load a spread sheet from the disk.
* Save a spread sheet on the disk.
* Automatic recalculation after each entry. (May be disabled).
* Print the spread sheet on the printer.
* Clear the current spread sheet.
The spread sheet is an electronic piece of paper on which you can
enter text, numbers and formulas and have MicroCalc do calcula-
tions automatically.
The next page shows the electronic spread sheet.
A B C D ....
1 22.00
2 1.00
3 2.00
4 3.00
5 28.00
A 5 Formula:
In the example the next last line shows that the active cell is
cell A5 and that A5 contains a formula: (A1+A2+A3+A4) which
means that the numbers in A1,A2,A3 and A4 should be added and
placed in A5.
The formula can be abbreviated to: (A1>A4) meaning: add all cells
from A1 to A4.
You move the cursor around just like you do in the TURBO editor:
(Left) Ctrl-S Ctrl-G (Right)
---> On the IBM-PC you may also use the arrows. <---
A cell may contain a number, a formula or some text. The type of the cell
and its coordinates are shown in the bottom left corner of the screen:
A 5 Formula: (Means that the current cell is A5 and that it
contains a formula)
A 1 Text (Cell A1 contains text)
A 2 Numeric (Cell A2 contains a number and no cell references)
Summary of MicroCalc
Cells are denoted A1 through G21 giving a total of 147 cells.
Summary of standard functions and operators:
+,-,*,/, ^ to raise to any power e.g. 2^3 = 8
Futhermore the operator '>' can be used to denote a range of cells to add.
Entering data
To enter data in any field move the cursor to the cell and enter the
data. MicroCalc automatically determines if the field is numeric or a
a text field.
When moving between fields:
^S,^D,^E,^X move left right up and down.
When editing a field
^S,^D moves left and right. ^A,^F moves to beginning/end of line.
DEL,^G deletes left or right character.
^V (or Ins on the PC) changes between insert-/overwrite mode.
ESC makes it possible to regret changes and to edit an existing cell.
Summary of commands
/ will restore the screen
Q will Quit MicroCalc
L will Load a spread sheet from the disk.
S will Save a spread sheet on the disk.
R will Recalculate
P will Print the spread sheet.
F makes it possible to change the output format for numbers.
A switches Autocalc ON and OFF
Note: to use scientific notation use the the F command and enter minus one
-1 for the number of decimals.
The following are examples of valid cell formulas:
(A1+(B2-C7)) subtract cell C7 from B2 and add the result to cell A1
(A1>A23) the sum of cells: A1,A2,A3..A23
(A1>B5) the sum of cells: A1..A5 and B1..B5
The formulas may be as complicated as you want:
To edit an existing formula or text simply move to the cell and
press ESC, make your changes and press <RETURN>. If you make
a mistake you may press ESC again, the old value of the cell will
then be restored.
--> To try MicroCalc now use the /L command to <--
--> load the file: CALCDEMO. <--